This is my personal blog space—I'm a Product Leader with experience in Product Management, Design and Software Engineering. I care deeply about UX, UI and delivering impactful work that puts the customer at the centre.
If you're interested in discussing anything I've written about or Product Management in general, you can schedule some time to speak with me here
05 October 2023
Let's all be a little more transparent. This is my manual—how I work, my leadership style, how to get the best out of me, how I communicate and how I handle feedback.
17 November 2020
How lessons in life can teach you about product development—listening to more than you ever expected.
17 March 2020
Amidst this difficult time, maybe COVID-19 becomes a catalyst for driving improved remote working at more companies 🤞
17 October 2019
Despite many books, blog posts and resources available about prioritisation, many people continue to get it so wrong.
09 August 2019
We all do it, we spend too much time debating things that ultimately are not urgent or important. How do we stop?
03 July 2019
Whether you want it to or not, every word you use, line you draw or interaction you create communicates something. If nothing else be intentional about what you create.
30 May 2019
Life is full of lessons—some we choose to ignore, and others we act upon. This lesson is one that I’m personally acting on, and my team are the catalyst.
07 May 2019
An Engineer, Designer and Product Manager at Pusher. I care deeply about UX, UI and delivering impactful work that is win-win for the business and our customers.